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The researches of the International Laboratory for Population and Health at the XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

On April 4, researchers of the International Laboratory of Population and Health presented the results of their work at the XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

Seminar "Models of the dynamics of viral infections and the impact of quarantine measures on the mental health of the population"

On March 3, at the seminar "Modern Demography", representatives of the Marchuk institute of numerical mathematics of the Russian academy of sciences, graduate student Andrey Vlad and Ph.D. Tatiana Sannikova talked about modeling the seasonality of viral infections and the impact of quarantine measures on the mental health of the population.

Illustration for news: Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the dynamics of life expectancy

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the dynamics of life expectancy

On December 15, 2022, the International Laboratory for Population and Health and Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center held the seminar “Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the dynamics of life expectancy".

Illustration for news: Covid-19 in Russia in 2021

Covid-19 in Russia in 2021

On December 2, at the seminar "Modern Demography", Ph.D., Head of the International Laboratory for Population and Health, Evgeny Andreev, presented a report on interregional differences in mortality in Russia in 2021.

Illustration for news: Autumn School "Introduction in Mortality Analysis for Population Health Research using R"

Autumn School "Introduction in Mortality Analysis for Population Health Research using R"

On September 26-30, 2022, the HSE International Laboratory for Population and Health held an autumn school "Introduction in Mortality Analysis for Population Health using R". The school brought together participants from different cities of Russia.

Variation in excess mortality across the federal states of Germany during the Covid-19 pandemic: the role of reported morbidity and selected structural factors

On September 29, the regular scientific seminar "Modern Demography" of the International Laboratory for Population and Health at HSE University took place. Marina Kolobova, resercher in the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock (Germany) and the University of Rostock (Germany) made a presentation on the topic: “Variation in excess mortality across the federal states of Germany during the Covid-19 pandemic: the role of reported morbidity and selected structural factors”.

Congratulations to Aleksey Shchur on defending his PhD thesis

On the 7th of June in 2022 Aleksey Shchur defended the thesis named: Mortality differentiation by regions, cities of different population sizes and rural areas in Russia

Sex gap in life expectancy across high-income countries: more similarities or differences?

Research Assistant at the International Labratory for Population and Health Research, PhD student at the Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, Marina Vergeles, had the article in the "Demographic Review" published.

Illustration for news: International Seminar "Heart to Heart"

International Seminar "Heart to Heart"

On February 10, 2022, the international online seminar "Heart to Heart" was held, which was organized by the Northern State Medical University and the Arctic University of Norway.  Vladimir М. Shkolnikov,  Sergey Timonin, David Leon and  Elena Churilova took part in the seminar.

Illustration for news: Experts on the Consequences of COVID-19: The Pandemic Gives Impetus to Science and Technology

Experts on the Consequences of COVID-19: The Pandemic Gives Impetus to Science and Technology

TheHuman Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre and HSE University, in cooperation with the World Bank, held the conference ‘New Challenges of Demographic, Epidemiological and Medical-Technological Development: Search for New Models of Healthcare Development.’ The participants discussed whether the healthcare system was prepared to face the pandemic, how the latter affected lifespans and excess mortality rates, whether we can trust statistics, and what we should do to see ‘the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.’