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International Autumn school 2018

IDEM 183

International Autumn School “Demographic Methods in Public Health Research”

Course organizers: Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, Dmitry Jdanov, Domantas Jasilionis, Sergei Timonin

The International Laboratory for Population and Health at the Higher School of Economics (Russia) and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) organized the International Autumn School “Demographic Methods in Public Health Research.” The Autumn School was held for 2 weeks from September 24 to October 5, 2018, in the city of Pushkin near Saint Petersburg.

Course description

During the last decades, important methodological approaches for studying mortality and health have been developed in demography and related disciplines. The advanced methods, as well as the substantive results of their application, were included in the program of the International Autumn School. We invited leading international scholars to present their cutting-edge research. The course provided an opportunity to learn methods for measurement and analysis of the levels, components, and determinants of mortality and health; spatial mortality analysis; design and methods of epidemiological studies; and micro-simulation models of demographic processes. 







Data and data use in studies on population and health

Dmitri Jdanov

Domantas Jasilionis


Methods and crucial results of research on longevity and survival at advanced ages

Jean-Marie Robine


Methods of decomposition and their application

Dmitri Jdanov

Evgeny Andreev


Health inequalities: theory, methods, and findings

Domantas Jasilionis


Unraveling an enigma: design, methods, and results of Study on Cardiovascular Disease in Russia

David Leon


Gender differences in health and survival

Аnna Oksuzian


Geography of mortality and health: methodology and empirical research

Sergey Timonin,
Pavel Grigoriev


Divergence and convergence in mortality: global trends, best practices and gender differentials

France Meslé

Jacques Vallin 


Micro-simulation models of demographic and health processes: methods and applications

Martin Spielauer


Studying the mortality phenomenon of Russia: from general mortality patterns to micro-level epidemiology

Vladimir M. Shkolnikov Evgeny Andreev



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