Seminar "Cardiovascular mortality in Russia: towards a 360 degree assessment"
The sixth scientific seminar ‘Modern demography’ was held on the 20th of September. David Leon, professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, associate professor at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway, presented his report on “Cardiovascular mortality in Russia: towards a 360 degree assessment".
Seminar "The research on cancer and its determinants based on the data from cancer registers: The role of cancer registers in determining the real state of oncological aid provided to the population"
The fifth scientific seminar ‘Modern demography’ of the International laboratory for population and health NRU HSE took place on the 7th of September. On this seminar researches on cancer and its determinants based on the data from cancer registers and the role of cancer registers in determining the real status of oncological aid provided to the population were discussed. Giedre Smailyte, head of the Laboratory of cancer epidemiology of the National cancer institute, Vilnius, Lithuania, Domantas Jasilionis, research scientist at the Laboratory of Demographic data of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany and Vakhtang M. Merabishvili, head of the Population based cancer register of St. Petersburg, chairman of the Scientific and methodological council for the development of information systems of the cancer service of the North-Western Federal District of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia, presented their papers.
Seminar "IPUMS-International: big, integrated population microdata for Russia, Europe and the world"
The fourth seminar ‘Modern demography’ was held on the 27th of June, where Robert McCaa, research professor of the Population center of the University of Minnesota, presented an international project IPMUS (Integrated Public Use Microdata Series) – harmonized microdata base of population censuses .
Seminar "Alcohol consumption in Russia, 1965-2015"
The third seminar ‘Modern demography’ of the International laboratory for population and health took place on the 25th of May. Alexander V. Nemtsov, MD, the head of the department of Moscow research institute of psychiatry of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, presented a paper on alcohol consumption in Russia in 1965-2015.
Seminar "Features of the current stage of the epidemiologic transition in Russia"
The first seminar ‘Modern demography’ took place on the 9th of March 2017. Head of the Institute of demography at NRU HSE Anatoly G. Vishnevsky presented a paper: ‘Features of the current stage of the epidemiologic transition in Russia’,
Seminar of the project"From disparities in mortality trends to future health challenges (DIMOCHA)"
On January 31 – February 1, 2017, a final seminar of the project “From disparities in mortality trends to future health challenges (DIMOCHA)” took place at Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock, Germany). In 2013-2017, this project brought together the researchers from the leading European demographic centers, who are working in the field of mortality and population health. The main goal of the project was to perform a complex analysis of disparities in mortality and life expectancy across developed countries and to shed light on the mechanisms of its rising and lowering at different points in time during the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. Special attention was paid to the analysis of detailed cause-specific mortality trends across the countries. One of the major outputs of the project was launching a new online database - The Human Cause-of-Death Database ( which provides long-term and harmonized series on cause-specific mortality.