Seminar "Features of the current stage of the epidemiologic transition in Russia"
The first seminar ‘Modern demography’ took place on the 9th of March 2017. Head of the Institute of demography at NRU HSE Anatoly G. Vishnevsky presented a paper: ‘Features of the current stage of the epidemiologic transition in Russia’,
A.G. Vishnevsky elaborated on the emergence and subsequent development of the concept of ‘Epidemiologic transition’ and ‘Epidemiologic revolution’. He also focused on the unique features of the first and second epidemiologic transitions in Russia. Anatoly Vishnevsky considered in detils several indicators, allowing to quantify the processes occurred during the second epidemiologic transition, and reasoned: Why is it possible to conclude, that this revolution has not not yet occured in Russia?Opponents/discussants were Evgeny Andreev (International laboratory for population and health) and Sergey Timonin (International laboratory for population and health).
Presentation by A.G. Vishnevskiy