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Tag "statistical data"

Coronavirus: There's a better way of judging countries on their COVID-19 response

The interview with Professor Leon

Webinar "COVID-19: A Quantitative Assessment of the Pandemic and its Impact on Mortality"

The coronavirus pandemic has spread to almost all countries of the world and by early April 2020 the number of confirmed cases of the disease has exceeded a million milestone. In terms of the impact on the political and economic situation in the world and on people's minds, what is happening has no analogs over the past decades. However, can we reliably quantify this phenomenon? Oddly enough, despite the presence of a huge amount of easily accessible data on the Internet, the quantitative characteristics of the pandemic remain problematic even in economically developed countries. The presentation examined the key points regarding the quality and comparability of COVID-19 cases and deaths, as well as some additional options for objectively measuring the impact of the epidemic on mortality.

Seminar "Inequality in infant mortality rate in the population of modern Russia"

On March 5, the regular seminar of the Modern Demography series was held. At the seminar, Evgeny Mikhailovich Andreev, head of the International Laboratory for Population and Health, presented the report "Inequality in the infant mortality rate among the population of modern Russia."

International Conference "Demographic trends in Russia: Legacy of the Soviet Era or a new tendency?"

On November 21-22, 2019 the International Laboratory for Population and Health together with the Institute of Demography held an international conference "Demographic trends in Russia: Legacy of the Soviet Era or a new tendency?"

Seminar “Spatial Inequality in cause-specific mortality in Europe: Empirical evidence and future research directions”

The scientific seminar “Modern Demography” was held on 30 May 2019. The speaker was Pavel Grigoriev, PhD, Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Demographic Data, Max Planck Institute for demographic research.

International Laboratory for Population and Health at the XX April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development

 International Laboratory for Population and Health researchers presented their work at the XX April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development, which takes place in HSE (Moscow), from April 9-12, 2019.

Seminar "Human longevity limits: a demographic data driven approach"

The 14th scientific seminar “Modern Demography” was hold 26 March. At the seminar, Dmitry A. Jdanov, Ph.D., head of the Laboratory of Demographic Data at the Max Planck Society for Demographic Research Institute made a presentation “Human longevity limits: a demographic data driven approach”.

Seminar "Demographic Indicators in May (2018) Presidential Decree"

The 13th scientific seminar “Modern Demography” was hold on 7 February. At the seminar, Evgeni M. Andreev, Ph.D., head of the International Laboratory for Population and Health (NRU HSE) made a presentation on “Demographic Indicators in the May Decree of the President”.

Seminar "What is unusual about the Russian mortality? Population-level evidence"

The 12th scientific seminar "Modern demography" was held on the 11th of December. Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, PhD, academic supervisor of the International laboratory for population and health of NRU HSE, research scientist at Laboratory of demographic data at Max Planck Institute for demographic research presented a paper "What is unusual about the Russian mortality? Population-level evidence".

Seminar "Average life expectancy and life years lost in people with mental disorders"

The 11th scientific seminar "Modern demography" was held on the 7th of September. Vladimir Canudas-Romo, PhD, associate professor of School of demography at College of arts and social sciences of Australian national university presented a paper "Average life expectancy and life years lost in people with mental disorders".