International seminar "Ageing and frailty in Norway and Russia"
Seminar October 12-13th 2021, Moscow, Russia
With this 2-day seminar, brought together scholars in the field of ageing and frailty for knowledge sharing and networking. Building on the International project on cardiovascular disease in Russia (IPCDR) and the Know Your Heart (KYH) study, we have initiated a project focusing on early ageing in Russia and Norway. The project is lead by Senior Scientist Bjørn Heine Strand at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), and the project team consists of Dr. Alexander Kudryavtsev, Northern State Medical University (NSMU), coordinator of Heart to Heart collaboration Dr. Laila Hopstock (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), and principal investigator of IPCDR Prof. David Leon, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) / National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University). The seminar combined of an online and a physical meeting. It is kindly hosted by the HSE University in Moscow with the assistance of Dr. Vladimir Shkolnikov, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) and HSE University. The seminar was held in a mixed format.
Program, Day 1 – October 12th
Moscow time |
1145-1300 |
Registration and opening lunch (for participants present in Moscow) |
1300-1305 |
Welcome (Dr Alexander Kudryavtsev, NSMU/Dr Bjørn Heine Strand, NIPH) |
1305-1325 |
Demography of ageing in Russia (Dr Vladimir Shkolnikov, MPIDR/HSE) |
1325-1345 |
Demography of ageing in Norway (Prof Vegard Skirbekk, NIPH) |
1345-1350 |
Short discussion on the two talks by Shkolnikov and Skirbekk. The demographic situation, what to expect in the coming decades? (Chair: Strand) |
1350-1405 |
Physical capability and ageing (Prof Rachel Cooper, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) |
1405-1420 |
Social factors of frailty in the elderly in Russia: results from EVKALIPT study (Elena Selezneva, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Policy, HSE University) |
1420-1450 |
Coffee break |
1450-1505 |
Cross country comparisons of grip strength – Russia versus Norway in the Know Your Heart Study (Dr Bjørn Heine Strand, NIPH) |
1505-1520 |
Grip strength’s usefulness as a predictor of mortality and both cognitive and physical decline in older adults in northwest Russia (Anna Turusheva, Associated professor, The North-Western State medical University, St-Petersburg) |
1520-1535 |
Data sources, Russia I: The Crystal Study (Prof Elena Frolova, The North-Western State medical University, St-Petersburg) |
1535-1550 |
Gender paradox in the elderly Russian population (Dr Asiia Imaeva, National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Moscow) |
1550-1605 |
Data sources, Russia II: ESSE (Dr Alexander Kudryavtsev, NSMU) |
1605-1610 |
Wrap up day 1 (Chair: Dr Bjørn Heine Strand, NIPH / Dr Alexander Kudryavtsev, NSMU) |
Dinner in the evening |
Program, Day 2 – October 13th
1030-1100 |
Coffee and mingle |
1100-1120 |
Policies on ageing research in Russia – how to tackle the challenges of an ageing population? (Dr Alexander Rozanov, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU), Russian Clinical Research Center for Gerontology) |
1120-1140 |
Norwegian policies on ageing and on care for the elderly (Aina Strand, The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD) |
1140-1150 |
Discussion on the two previous talks on policies (Chair: Oksana Sinyavskaya, Head of the Centre for Comprehensive Social Policy Studies, HSE University) |
1150-1205 |
Data sources in Russia III: Sociological data on ageing in Russia: opportunities and limitations (Oksana Sinyavskaya, Head of the Centre for Comprehensive Social Policy Studies, HSE University) |
1205-1225 |
Ageing hearts – The Heart to Heart Study (Prof David Leon, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK) |
1225-1340 |
Lunch |
1340-1355 |
Data sources, Norway I: The Tromsø Study (Dr Laila Hopstock, UiT The Arctic University, Tromsø, Norway) |
1355-1410 |
Data sources, Norway II: The NorLag Study (Dr Marijke Veenstra, NOVA, Norway) |
1410-1425 |
Data sources, Norway III: The HUNT Study (Dr Håvard Skjellegrind, NTNU, Norway) |
1425-1440 |
Prevalence of sarcopenia and association with objectively measured physical activity: The Tromsø Study (Dr Jonas Johansson, UiT The Arctic University, Tromsø, Norway) |
1440-1455 |
Leningrad siege survivors - unique Russian cohort for longevity research (Dr Oksana Rotar, Almazov National Medical Research Centre, St .Petersburg, Russia) |
1455-1505 |
Discussion, wrap up