The 2d Heart to Heart Symposium
The second Symposium "From heart to heart" was held at the Northern State Medical University February 3-14 2020, . During the Symposium were presented the main results of the study "Know your heart" which was carried out during 2015-2017 in Arkhangelsk and Novosibirsk, and the results of health indicator comparisons between population of Russia and Norway. All presented results were aimed at studying the causes of significant differences in mortality from cardiovascular diseases between two countries. The Symposium was attended by leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of epidemiology, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Three presentations were prepared by
- Vladimir Shkolnikov ("Life expectancy in Russia: consequences of the long-term reversal andcomponents of the recent improvement")
- Sergei Timonin ("Paradoxical international differences in mortality from acute myocardialinfarction")
- Elena Churilova ("Blood pressure and hypertension in Russia over the past 30 years")